Faculty Professional Development Opportunities
- Sabbatical
- Faculty Short-term Development Leave Program
- BEST Program: The BEST (Buy-out for Enhancing Scholarship and Teaching) Program was
initiated to enhance scholarship and creative activities across campus, including
the scholarship of teaching and learning.
- Advance Leadership Award Grants for Women Faculty: The NSF ADVANCE Leadership Award,
in conjunction with the University's BEST program, supports the development of mentoring
relationship and a mentoring network for women faculty at Montana State University.
- Clinical Research Development Program
Faculty Awards
- Excellence in Outreach Award: This award is given annually to recognize and encourage
excellence in university outreach programs. All MSU faculty are eligible for this
- Provost's Award for Undergraduate Research/Creativity Mentoring: In recognition of
the importance of undergraduate research/creativity, this award is given annually
to a faculty member who engages undergraduate students in this valuable learning process.
- James & Mary Ross Provost's Award for Excellence: This award recognizes excellence
in teaching and scholarship at Montana State University-Bozeman.
- Cox Faculty Award for Creative Scholarship & Teaching: This award recognizes faculty
who best combine excellence in teaching with research and creative activities.
- Wiley Award for Meritorious Research & Creativity (VPR): The nomination for this award
may be stimulated by a single, especially significant research achievement or by a
recent body of work, either of which should be the product of extensive, mature research
activity. Typically, the nominee will be someone who has attained the rank fo Associate
or Full Professor.
- Meritorious Technology/Science Award (VPR): This award recognizes a faculty member
who has made one or more significant technological/scientific contribution(s). It
is intended for faculty members who have made discoveries that will likely be transferred
or have already been transferred to the private sector, and that have potential to
be or already are useful products or processes impacting the Montana or U.S. economy.
Student Awards
- MSU Foundation Graduate Achievement Awards: Recognize students in any or all of these
categories: outstanding doctoral graduate, outstanding master's graduate and outstanding
Native American graduate. These awards are counterparts to the Wiley awards for faculty.
- Awards for Excellence: These awards recognize seniors who have outstanding records
of achievement in academic and extracurricular activities, as well as service to MSU
and the local community. Students are nominated by faculty in their college or department
and recipients are honored at a banquet sponsored by the MSU Alumni Association and
Bozeman Chamber of Commerce. Qualifications include senior status, a 3.5 GPA on a
4.0 scale and demonstrated campus leadership and community service. Each honored student
selects a mentor for a Faculty Excellence Award.
College of Agriculture
P.O. Box 172860
Bozeman, MT 59717-2860
Tel: (406) 994-3681
Fax: (406) 994-6579
Location: 202 Linfield Hall
Vice President, Dean, and Director
Dr. Sreekala Bajwa
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