MSU has a variety of campus labs that are here to conduct research and test samples for our Montana communities. Below you can find each of our labs. Select a lab to explore what they do, how to submit samples and contact a scientist!

Barley, Malt and Brewing Quality Lab

Houses the barley breeding program, provides malt quality analysis and conducts brewing research. to improve varieties, advance knowledge and support industry sustainability.

Cereal Quality Lab

End-use research on milling, bread-baking and noodle-making traits of hard red and hard white wheats and ensures that high quality wheats are released.

Seed Testing Lab

Tests seed samples for farmers, seedsmen and industry partners, to determine percentages of pure seed, other crop seed, weed seed, inert matter and germination.

Pulse Crop Diagnostic Lab

The only laboratory exclusively dedicated to pulse crop pathogen diagnostics for chickpeas, lentils and field peas. Rigorously tests seed lots for economically important pathogens.

Schutter Diagnostic Lab

Conducts testing for plant and pest identification, pathogen diagnoses, culturing and more. Routine diagnoses are free for Montana residents.