Main Facilities: Descriptions of greenhouses, growth chambers, growth rooms, plant pathology isolation units and quarantine facilities.

PGC Primer: A guide for new users. An introduction to greenhouse growing techniques and problem solving.

Space Request: Fill out and send an e-form to request space in the PGC. *New Form - users will have to create a new login and password the first time they use the new form.

Teaching Facilities & Classroom Schedule: Classroom facilities, schedules, and audio/visual equipment options.

Specifications: Details on supplemental lights, growing media, and suppliers utilized. Authors should look here for details required for publications.

Policy Manual: Details on the management of the PGC, services provided by the PGC staff and operating procedures.


For general inquiries, please contact Plant Growth Center Staff at

PGC Staff

David Baumbauer, Manager: Plant Growth Center and Horticulture Farm

Allison Rognlie, Assistant Manager: Plant Growth Center and Horticulture Farm