Adding and Dropping Classes
After receiving a registration PIN from their advisors, students can generally manage
their enrollment through MyInfo and CatCourse Scheduler (for more information, please
visit the Registration Information website). Sometimes students need instructor approval to add a class. Instructors can authorize
an override of a pre-requisite, course cap or time conflict. They may also authorize
a student to add their course between the 6th and 10th days of a typical semester.
To drop a class from the 11th through the 59th day of the typical semester, students
need to consult an advisor. Starting on the 11th class day Details on these processes
can be found below.
Connect with your advisor (to drop a class) or instructor (to add a class) early to help you navigate these processes by published deadlines.
- Dropping or adding a course could significantly impact your bill and financial aid. Contact Student Accounts or the Office of Financial Aid Services if you have questions.
How to Add a Class
- To ADD a class when you cannot complete the process through MyInfo or CatCourse Scheduler,contact the instructor of the class you’d like to be added into. To locate instructor information, find the class on the Schedule of Classes in MyInfo.
- Click here for a list of common Registration Add Errors.
How to Drop a Class
If you are within the timeframe to drop yourself from a course, follow the directions on how to self drop a course.
- If the deadline to drop has passed and you need advisor approval, the College of Agriculture has a withdrawal form to help streamline the process. Students should speak with an advisor before starting the form and students must receive advisor approval to drop a class. It is important that you reach out to your advisor well in advance of the deadline to ensure that everyone has time to complete the withdraw before the deadline. Starting on the 11th class day drops require an advisor approval and on the 15th class day, courses dropped will show on a students transcript as a W or withdrawal. A withdrawal grade does not count towards GPA but may affect scholarships, financial aid, athletics, international student status and housing.
- If dropping to zero credits, please look over your options for withdrawing here at the University Withdrawal Process FAQ page to determine your next steps.
- If you are trying to self-drop please make sure you are within the deadline to do
so, typically the first 2 weeks of the semester. To drop with advisor approval/assistance,
keep reading.
This form is for the College of Agriculture advisors listed below, if you have a faculty advisor or an advisor not listed below, please contact them directly.
Please refer to the published dates and deadlines for SPRING 2025 here -
The deadline to drop a course using this form is April 16, 2025.