Welcome to the 2023-2024 Annual Impact Report for Montana State University's College of Agriculture and the Montana Agriculture Experiment Station!

Thank you for taking the time to explore these pages. As a land-grant institution, we have a critical mission of education, research and outreach, and bringing the three of those elements together effectively is an important metric for our success.

Within this report, you can find statistics and trends when it comes to scholarship, research expenditures and human resources. It also contains stories of the more tangible impacts of the work we do, whether that be laboratory research, educating the sons and daughters of our state and nation, or extending our campus to all 56 Montana counties and beyond through community engagement.

We hope you can find the answers to any questions you have within this report. If not, feel free to reach out to my office with questions, comments or suggestions for future reports.

Yours in Agriculture,

Sreekala Bajwa

Sreekala Bajwa
VP, Dean and Director
MSU College of Agriculture and Montana Agriculture Experiment Station
agdean@montana.edu or 406-994-3681